Hello to all! As you can tell, the title says it all. I'm happy as a result of the weekend finally being here! This first week back at school after spring break went pretty well..but nonetheless was loooong. This is my third blog on my new..blog. Wow.
Ok, so I went to campus church on Wednesday night and Ergun Caner spoke. One word: Amazing! He opened up with his normal banter and funny stories, and then announced what he would speak on: How to Prove the Bible Is Valid To Someone Who Doesn't Even Believe In It.
As Christians we like to use circular reasoning when asked, "Why is the Bible true?" We answer without a pause, "The Bible is true because it says its true!" (Duh!) or "The Bible is true because its God's Word!"
However, think critically about that statement and there is no validity in it. So Ergun gave us 3 ways to actually prove that the Bible is true. Always the prepared one, I had nothing to write notes on except a little post-it note..so I had to cram it all in. But here it goes:
3 Evidences That No Other Book Has:
1. Prophecy- Jesus Christ fulfulled EVERY ONE of 300 prophecies given in the Old Testament!
2. Archaeology- The land of the Hittites was thought nonexistent and couldn't be found anywhere. Then it was found in
the 1980's, confirming that the Biblical Hittite community was real. Also, tablets were found in Iraq in the 1960's that
confirmed EVERY city in Genesis.
3. Science- The Bible stated that blood was the circulation of life a mere 3,000 YEARS before the scientist Harvey
"discovered" that life was in blood circulation.
Of course, I couldn't write down everything he said, but I would definitely download the podcast and listen to the whole thing. Its amazing to think that all those things prove that God's Word is living, complete, and nothing but Truth!
Well, I think thats about as long as I should write on here...I don't want to make a novel...(yet.) Anyway, I hope everyone has an amazing weekend, and take time to get into God's Word and appreciate its truth and powerful uniqueness.
**Honorable Mention: this note is dedicated to my sweet friend, Aimee.....may you live forever long and have a beautifully happy life..with no more locking your keys in the car and painful nose piercings. <3
yay! you have a blog now! that makes me happy =). you will have to check mine out, and i have links on my page to other random people's blogs. fun stuff =).
yay! you have a blog now! that makes me happy =). you will have to check mine out, and i have links on my page to other random people's blogs. fun stuff =).
ok so Angie and Donnie typed the exact same thing....that is so cheating. I am gonna be orginal and say I am super jealous taht you get to hear Ergun Caner all the time. But I do listen to the podcasts...I love podcasts. Hey do you ever listen to Frances Chan. If not you should he is AMAZING.
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